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The Soil Food Web

Compare the two images below at the same magnification. The soil on the left is dead and is representative of any conventional soil. The image on the right is living soil, full of microorganisms that are responsible for vital soil functions - a living Soil Food Web!


When present, the Soil Food Web cycles all nutrients necessary for plant growth, fights disease and pests, retains water, improves crop quality, holds structure, balances pH, and even prevents weeds! 

Dr. Elaine Ingham has created a system to identify and quantify these soil organisms, and has defined the minimum quantity and diversity of these organisms for a soil to be considered biologically complete - meaning that the soil food web is fully present and active.


Using these methods, Utah BioAgriculture, who is a certified lab tech of Dr. Elaine's™ program, can assist you in restoring the soil food web to your soil.

Dead Agricultural Soil
Soil Microbiology

The Soil Food Web's Functions

Nutrient Cycling

Nutrients are mined from sand, silt, and clay particles, and organic matter by saprophytic bacteria and fungi. Predators, such as protozoa and nematodes, then consume bacteria and fungi and release nutrients in a plant available form for the roots to absorb.


Meet the Soil Microbiome

Quantify Your Soil Biology 

Fungal to Bacteria Ratio
Soil Biology Test

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